Were To Buy Remix Packs Midnight Club Los Angleles Questions?

Midnight Club Los Angleles Questions? - were to buy remix packs

I have the game before you buy it've always wanted to know a few things!

1: Is it possible to transfer your car DUB Edition version of LA, because I really think that this car is not as well-believe version. Dub Edition is climbing, old classic cars and Hummer jeeps! Thats really cool, every car in LA is strictly sporty style. So cars can be transmitted over the output that your version dub version Dub Dub Edition Remix Edition upload?

2: If they say, 64 layers, what they signify 64 Vinyls. Do you have a certain amount of vinyl layer or stratum own vinyl?

3: Is this the car of the Xbox 360 packages ready to download yet? They were out and be picked up and wanted to know whether you receivedDo you?


sickcallaway (Sarcastic Joker) said...

1. No, you can not transfer the cars from other games. What makes you think that a Hummer or Escalade will do well in LA? They took the truck this time, no more than even the oldest cars in this game anyway.

2. This means 64 in the vinyl on one image or an image to create. I do not know if there is a limit, but I can tell you that requires the head of Homer Simpson more than 100 layers of vinyl.

3. Yes

e4suraba... said...

Frankly, I wouldnt buy it. I bought it because I was something like the dub was expected, but it is not. HGE and theres a whole story. (stroyline = fewer cards and personalization)

I was very disappointed. I havent played this game from time to time, but not as many cars as I think like 30 or so, if that, but yes. not worth it. I would need to obtain the secrets of the speed of the game the same story, fewer cars and more history, but at least Maggie Q in videos

Phew ...

but the expansion pack is now. South Central, which also bought. I wish hadnt ...

I hope you love me more than when you receive it. Why are modeled couldnt manage, turn again ...

spax said...

1. No, you can save ps2 processing xbox360
2. with a lot of vinyl, and you can limit
3. yes,
CP1: 250 Microsoft Points
CP2: 250 Microsoft Points
Premuim South Central: 800 Microsoft Points
Expansion plans in south central: Free
End (for): 1000 MSP

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